3rd Cardiff NLP Summer Workshop

Workshop organised by the Cardiff NLP Group, July 1st and 2nd, 2024 (Cardiff, Wales, UK)

The Cardiff NLP Group is organising an in-person workshop on Natural Language Processing (NLP). It will take place on 1-2 July 2024 in Abacws, the brand-new building for the School of Computer Science and the School of Mathematics at Cardiff University

The workshop is especially intended to NLP practitioners and researchers, but everyone would be welcome. Unfortunately, the registration period is now closed. A draft schedule is now available.

Follow our updates on Twitter! @Cardiff_NLP #cardiffnlpworkshop

 Target Audience

The workshop is targeted to an audience with some prior knowledge of NLP. 

PhD students and early career researchers working on NLP are especially encouraged to attend.

Workshop Activities

Invited speakers | Tutorials | Networking | Panels

Important Dates

Expression of interest: Until April 8th

Registration period: Until 5 June 2024

Workshop (in-person only): Cardiff, 1-2 July 2024

CO-Located Events in Cardiff (Different Venue and Registration)

CollaborativeNLP Workshop: 3 July 2024

Multilingualism in the Era of Artificial Intelligence: 4 July

Invited Speakers

Andreas Vlachos
University of Cambridge

Asahi Ushio
Amazon Tokyo

Anna Rogers
IT University of Copenhagen

Arkaitz Zubiaga
Queen Mary University of London

Javad Hosseini
Google DeepMind, UK

Nafise Sadat Moosavi
University of Sheffield

Emanuele Bugliarello
Google DeepMind, France

Marie-Francine Moens
KU Leuven, Belgium


Abacws Building, Senghennydd Rd, CF24 4AX Cardiff, Wales